A Father Who Gets It

1 Feb

holding hands

Let me just start out by saying that I am truly blessed to be married to my husband, Adam!  In this world of broken marriages, fatherless children, and faithless families, I have a man who desires to do God’s will and be a loving, engaged husband and father.  When asked by other musicians about what he has been up to lately, Adam tells them, “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been” despite not having much time to focus on anything musically.

Are our lives now quite like we envisioned they would be eight years ago? No…and yes!  No, Adam is not where we thought he’d be in his music career right now.  We are both working full-time jobs.  We live in a house with too many crazy issues that we have to spend more money on than we’d like.  Yes, because we get to be the parents of two beautiful, silly girls.  Adam writes meaningful, amazing music.  We’re able to pay the bills.  We work together as a team to take care of our home and family.  We’re continuing to grow closer to God and discuss his will for our lives.

Most recently on this journey of discovering what God is calling us, particularly Adam, to do in regards to his career, Adam has found what he is really passionate about – Being a good father and encouraging other men to do the same.  When our oldest daughter was born, he read Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Dr. Meg Meeker.  He loved it!  In December, he stumbled across the documentary, Absent, by Justin Hunt on Netflix.  Absent is about the effect that disengaged fathers have on their children and how this lack of a relationship affects society.  We also recently watched Courageous, a movie about this same topic.  What’s interesting is that independent of these movies, Adam was already thinking a lot about this.  These two films just reinforced that God is trying to show him something!

The path that we are exploring now includes possibly recording a CD of his latest real, positive music and putting together his own story for Catholic Men’s Conferences.   This would allow him to do what he loves and spread a message that can inspire others.  Adam relates to people very well and would be a great speaker.  This is definitely just the tip of the iceberg, but we feel that God is definitely giving us some sort of direction.

There are so many question marks and mysteries ahead of us, but I know that our priorities are in order.  I know that Adam has the right perspective on what is important in life.  The following quote from Courageous, when character Adam Mitchell speaks to a church congregation, sums it up. (Adam rewound this sentence twice!)

You can’t fall asleep at the wheel, only to wake up one day and realize that your job or your hobbies have no eternal value, but the souls of your children do.

Please pray for us as we continue to discern God’s call in our lives.  We will do the same for you!  Let’s also pray that more men will have the courage to be good fathers to their children!  Thank you to all the wonderful men out there who are already amazing husbands and fathers!  Your value in this world is priceless!

I’d like to also say a special thank you to my own father.  Thanks, Dad, for always finding time to support my interests and challenging me to be the best version of myself!

(Above photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/freedigitalphotos.net)

2 Responses to “A Father Who Gets It”

  1. Rebecca February 4, 2013 at 5:55 pm #

    “Let me just start out by saying that I am truly blessed to be married to my husband, Adam! In this world of broken marriages, fatherless children, and faithless families, I have a man who desires to do God’s will and be a loving, engaged husband and father.” I didn’t have to read any further as I echo those words concerning my own husband. Keep up the good work and God bless you and your hubby.

    • A Dreamer's Wife February 4, 2013 at 6:52 pm #

      Thanks! I always love to hear about the good men in this world! We’re blessed!

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