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I’ve moved!

24 Jun



Hello to any of my faithful followers who have still stuck around after I’ve let this blog sit and collect dust for months and months! I just wanted to update you all that I now have a new business and blog: Bold Red Creative. Over there at my new home, I’m sharing social media tips, resources, and encouragement for creative entrepreneurs.

Today on the blog, I’m featuring former Dreamer in the Spotlight, PJ Anderson. He is releasing his new album, Mercy, Mercy today. Please click on over to read a review of his album and learn a little about his crowdfunding strategy. PJ was able to record a 15-track album because of the funds raised on Kickstarter! Pretty cool.

Thank you for the support you’ve shown me over the years. This blog will still be at rest for now, but I may revive it in the future if I need a more personal outlet regarding our family life! Happy Friday!



7 Quick Takes #12

28 Feb

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes about cool book moments, bestseller bling, overcommitting myself (again), and doing a 5K in a palanquin

It has definitely been eons since I did a 7 Quick Takes link-up at Conversion Diary, so I’m excited to join the crew of bloggers who are part of the 7 Posts in 7 Days challenge!


I love Cristina’s blog, Filling My Prayer Closet! When I was stalking browsing earlier this week, I noticed that she had a blog button on her sidebar about her word for the year. I clicked on it and it took me to One Word 365 where I was able to sign up and create my own blog button using my chosen word for 2014- #intentional! It was neat to see that several others had chosen the same word!



On Wednesday, I was able to meet one of my previous Dreamers in the Spotlight and former professional basketball player, Jennifer Risper. {Blogger fail – I didn’t get a photo!} She is a Varsity Catholic missionary with FOCUS and she needs donations to continue to do this work on college campuses. To check our her FOCUS page, click here!


Natural sign of love - heart made from small tomatoesSource: Piku

I really want to start a small garden this spring. I’m not known for keeping plants alive, but I would love to grow my own vegetables and I think my girls would love to help, too!

Any gardeners out there? Any tips on vegetables to try first? I’m thinking tomatoes, summer squash, peppers, and green beans…  I plan to square-foot gardening, I think! I’m trying to keep it as simple as possible!


I’m a big fan of the Enneagram. I’ve mentioned it on my blog before, but have never really done a thorough post on it.  Being someone that majored/minored in three different areas of behavioral sciences, I’m highly intrigued by personality stuff and why people do what they do!

Fellow Nashville blogger, Leigh Kramer, has been doing a great series called The Enneagram and Blogging! I’m without a doubt a Type 1 and it was interesting to see how that relates to my blogging style and purpose! If you don’t already know your personality type there are tests to take to determine what number you are! Leigh does a great job of explaining it here. I’ve had Fr. Richard Rohr’s book, The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective on my to-read list FOREVER! Probably like five years! I’ll get to it one of these days!


Earlier this week, Theresa Thomas posted a video outlining the crisis in Venezuela. She’s been doing a great job of bringing awareness to the oppression going on there. Please pray!

Caracas/Source: Wikipedia Commons


Katie at The Catholic Wife wrote this post about investing more time in our husbands instead of social media. Often times we have great status updates, but really it might mean more if we just sent a little message to our spouse instead!  While I don’t live on Facebook or Twitter, there are definitely moments when I’m wasting time instead of being productive. I’m thinking of cutting a lot of social media time out for Lent…


This completes Day 5 of the 7 in 7 Challenge! Although, it’s been a little crazy this week, it has been fun writing and reading so many posts this week! There has been so much to read, though, that I’m probably going to have to spend a good part of next week catching up! Cheers to those of you slugging through the week!

7 day blog challenge 7 posts, 7 days

Nativity Show & Tell

9 Dec

I’m excited about Kerry Todd’s link-up to keep us focused on the REASON for the season! I love Kerry’s  meaningful story behind her Nativity from Haiti, so be sure to check it out and share yours, too!

My Nativity scene is something new this year! I ran across this idea online in January and couldn’t wait to make it to display this Advent and Christmas season! It is made with three 7.5 x 7.5 inch glass blocks (available at Michaels or Hobby Lobby), wired ribbon, white lights, and custom black vinyl from Vinyl Gifts and More.

Here is the set…


Who doesn’t love more lights?!


The vinyl was pretty easy to apply! I had never done it before. I used my old driver’s license that I just renewed to help transfer and it worked really well.


I used a strand of 35 lights that cost $2.99 at Hobby Lobby. I think 25-strand lights would work, as well. They cost $1.99.


I tied a big bow on top and then tied a second ribbon and bow around that one to make it look fuller on top.


I love the warm glow that this adds to my living room!

Hmmm… I wonder what some of my family and friends are getting for Christmas? 🙂


I hope you are having a joy-filled Advent! Have a great week!

Five Favorite Preservative-Free Foods!

4 Sep

Five Favorites, hosted at

Linking up again with Hallie and several other fabulous girlies…

I have been trying to incorporate more organic foods into my diet, so I thought that I’d share my five favorite preservative-free foods this week!



These are made with as few as two ingredients! For example, the Cashew Cookie bar is made of only dates and cashews!  These are so delish, and they are great to keep in my purse for whenever! This type of bar can also be made at home with a food processor. Check out Homemade Larabars.



Kettle Chips


I haven’t met a flavor that I didn’t like yet (although I still have many more to try)! My latest fave is Maple Bacon! These Kettle chips are made only with non-GMO ingredients!



Silk Pure Almond Dark Chocolate Almondmilk

Dark Chocolate Almondmilk

What more needs to be said? YUM!



Coconut Oil

Product Image

I’ve finally jumped on the coconut oil bandwagon and have started to discover all of the numerous uses for this awesome product! This will definitely continue to be a staple in my home!



Kashi Cereal

Package shot for Kashi® GOLEAN Crunch!® Honey Almond Flax Cereal

Many times after eating cereal, I’m hungry a short time later, but since this cereal has so much protein it keeps me full longer! The cereal pictured above is my favorite kind!


Do you have a favorite yummy, healthy food item?

I plan to do a Keep Your Change post soon about how to save money on organic foods, once I get more of a grip on it myself! Hopefully with so many people being more aware of what they are putting in their bodies, more companies will take notice! The coupon-er in me has a hard time spending more, but I feel so much better about what I am eating and what I am serving my family!

A Reading Break!

2 Aug

Since time is in extra short supply lately, I haven’t had as much time to write as I’d like, let alone read other blogs! So, I’m taking a little break this Friday to catch up on some posts from bloggers I love, like…

Patty, who just got back from World Youth Day with the Pope in Rio,


Stephanie, who just moved from Michigan to Florida on extremely short notice for her husband’s job while 38 weeks pregnant,


Olivia, who will be adjusting to her husband working every weekend while he attends classes starting this fall,


Stephanie, who is feeling blessed and joyful even though she just moved and a job opportunity fell through while she is six months pregnant!

If you don’t follow these ladies already, please check out their blogs! Also, check out the bottom of my site for more blogs that I love! I’m constantly updating my blogroll, as there are so many great people out there sharing amazing things!  And there are even more that I follow that aren’t listed below. Be sure to check back soon as there will likely be a few more additions!

Have a great weekend! Hopefully our house will be on the market in about a week!

A Visit Down Memory Lane and Lessons Learned!

25 Jul


Adam and me in 2002 – a few weeks before his move to Nashville. Back when Adam thought he was going to be going the country music route! Wow, how things change!

I’m happy to be guest posting over at Patty’s blog, Tales of Me and the Husband! Here’s a little teaser…

Tragically, in today’s society, so many couples think that if things aren’t always happy and easy, the marriage must not be meant to be and they quickly discard their vows. Newlywed Jacqueline Burkepile wrote a great post for Women of Grace earlier this month, titled Five Things No One Tells You About Marriage. In the article she discusses these points:
  • Love is not a feeling.
  • You don’t always have to agree.
  • Time with friends lessens after you’re married.
  • Quality time is important.
  • Selflessness is key.
All of these are very true and Jacqueline does a great job of expanding on them, so be sure to read her post! I have a few more truths that I’d like to add based on my own marriage experience… 
Reminder- Don’t forget to check back here tomorrow to find out who is July’s Dreamer in the Spotlight!

Five Favorites vol. 7

14 May

Five Favorites, hosted at

Another Tuesday is here, which means it’s time for another Five Favorites link-up with Hallie! If you haven’t joined yet, you should!


Catholic Underground is an event geared towards young adults that is active in some other big cities in the U.S. and even Europe! If you haven’t heard of it before, click here to read more about it!

Adam and I first heard about Nashville Catholic Underground through a friend who suggested Adam should play a show. Fortunately, we were able to go check it out this past Saturday! The evening began with Eucharistic adoration and ended with a concert in the basement of St. Mary of the Seven Sorrows, which is the oldest church still standing in Nashville! Adam is going to play a show when the new season starts up after the summer!


Buy the EP now!

Another cool part about making it out to Catholic Underground the other night, was that I met up with a fellow Nashvillian and Catholic musician, Tori Harris.  I ran across her blog last fall and recently saw that she released her EP at the beginning of this year. I saw this awesome article on last week and mentioned it on Twitter, which led to a conversation about when we should meet-up. How convenient that Catholic Underground was the very next day?! Has to be a Godincidence, right?!

Be sure to check out Tori’s EP, Adoremus, which is available on iTunes! I got chills a couple times while listening in the car the other morning!


I love this eyebrow kit from Bare Escentuals! I never realized how much filled-in brows can really enhance your make-up look until I started using this powder a few years ago. It looks natural and very little product needs to be applied, which makes one jar last a very long time (like, years)!


Could this homemade scrub be any easier?! I made some as a gift for Mother’s Day. My hands felt very smooth after using it!


Dietrich Bonhoeffer Quote

 I absolutely love these words by Bonhoeffer! I used to just try to “be good.” Now, I’m really trying to listen to what God wants me to do. I’m continously growing every day and I live life with much more energy and purpose! For more of my favorite inspirational words of wisdom, click here!


Have a great rest of the week, everyone!

Five Favorites vol. 6

29 Apr

Five Favorites, hosted at

It’s that time again! Another Five Favorites post with Hallie! Let’s get to it!


Catholic ABC’s


I’ve mentioned this Catholic Preschool Curriculum created by Lacy Rabideau of Catholic Icing a couple times before on this blog, but I wanted to share it again. The Grotto craft pictured above is one of my favorites that we’ve done!  My three-year-old has really enjoyed this and we only have two letters left!



I’m currently reading this book by John and Stasi Eldredge. I first heard about it when I interviewed the co-founders of Dignitas Magazine last summer. Captivating is such a great book about embracing our true femininity and beauty as women.


Jenn Bostic

Jenn Bostic- Jealous

Did you catch my special Dreamer in the Spotlight feature on this talented, genuine artist? Her story is so inspiring and so are her songs! Check out “Jealous of the Angels.” It has over a million views on YouTube!


Winning the Culture War

I love Lighthouse Catholic Media! My mom gets the CD’s every month and now she runs the program at our church. I recently listened to Winning the Culture War by Dr. Peter Kreeft. It was so spot on and so true! I think I said “Amen” out loud a few times while listening in my car!


Mint Chip Shake with Spinach!


This Sneaky Healthy Mint Chip recipe has been making the rounds online and on Pinterest. I tried it out this past weekend substituting organic vanilla ice cream for protein powder or vanilla yogurt, and the girls and I both loved it. (Although, I overdid the peppermint extract a little bit!) I’ll definitely be putting spinach in my smoothies more often now. I need any trick I can use to get my two-year-old to eat her vegetables right now!

Finding Hope Amidst Tragedy {7 Quick Takes (#10)}

19 Apr

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 213)

My prayers are with Jennifer and her family as they welcome home their baby boy, finally! Thanks for hosting this week, Grace!

This week’s 7QT’s post is probably the most depressing one that I have done!  There is so much evil and sadness going on in the world, but we must remember that God reigns and love conquers all!


Did you participate or notice the two #Gosnell Tweetfests that took place in the past week?  It was definitely a great way to spread truth and get the mainstream media’s attention.  Too bad this trial and the ‘house of horrors’ is still not getting as much attention it deserves.  Yes, Kermit Gosnell is a very sick man, but the reality is:


This leads me to a related topic of the racist roots of Planned Parenthood.  According to, “78% of their clinics are in minority communities.” 

A few months ago, my husband and I watched a 2009 pro-life documentary on this issue, Maafa 21.  It’s sad that so many people are ignorant about all of this or don’t care, especially the Black community.


Speaking of documentaries, there is another one that is definitely worth watching that talks about a massive problem in our society right now.

  Absent, by Justin Hunt, discusses the impact that uninvolved fathers have on their children. It features John Eldredge, Father Richard Rohr, Metallica frontman James Hetfield, and others. This movie has definitely added to Adam’s passion for promoting the importance of fathers.  I believe that it is available on Netflix.


 Of course, I can’t neglect the tragedies that have occured in Boston, MA and West, TX this week.  Things like this can be difficult to understand.  I’m reminded of a short book that I heard about last year on EWTN’s Women of Grace, titled Why Me? When Bad Things Happen, by Mike Aquilina. 

I haven’t read it yet, but saw an interview with the author discussing the book.  It may be helpful for some people.


Alright, 1-4 were pretty intense, so here’s a bible verse about hope:

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

-John 14:16-18


And here’s another one…

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

-James 1:2-4


 Changing gears a little bit… I am excited to feature a talented singer/songwriter next week, who is bringing hope to others with her music!  She is getting lots of airplay in London right now and you may have heard one of her songs played on Fox News a few times. Be sure to read April’s Dreamer in the Spotlight post next Friday to learn more about this artist and her music! 


Have a blessed weekend!  Be sure to check out the other 7 Quick Takes posts, as well!

What a Week! {7 Quick Takes (#9)}

15 Mar

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 210)

Another 7 Quick Takes with Jennifer at Conversion Diary this Friday!  Be sure to check out everyone else’s, too!!

Of course, #1 has to be about how awesome it was on Wednesday afternoon to be united with all the Catholics around the world as we celebrated newly chosen Pope Francis! Twitter was so full of #HabemusPapam tweets and excitement! What a fun day for Catholics on social media!

pope francis

Another exciting thing that happened this week, was  I discovered that the little Reece’s Rainbow angel that I have been praying for, Sunny, was adopted a few months ago! I really felt an attachment to her because she had a hemangioma on her nose, just like my oldest daughter had when she was a baby. I’m so happy that she has found a forever home!

Today is the last day to enter to win my GIVEAWAY of Eric Metaxas’ new book, 7 MEN: And the Secret of their Greatness! And last Saturday I was delighted when I found out that the author himself shared this on Twitter:


Earlier this week, I was a little bummed to find out that Dignitas Magazine will be on hold for now due to various circumstances. I featured the founders as one of my Dreamers in the Spotlight back in August. I know that there are good things ahead for them, though! I can’t wait to hear more in the future!

Speaking of my Dreamer in the Spotlight series, be sure to check back next Friday to see who this month’s featured dreamer is! And you’ll get to find out what “fwisty” means!  Here’s a teaser:

fwisty clutches

And speaking of series, I will be starting a new one next week called Keep Your Change! It will be full of money saving tips covering all sorts of areas. I can’t wait, because saving money is good and more people saving money is even better! 🙂


I’m loving how the segues have been working out, but I don’t really have one for this! Here’s the pic of the Toy Story cupcakes I want to make for my 2-year-old’s birthday in a couple weeks! I think I’ll be able to pull them off – maybe?!?!

toy story cupcakes

Have a great weekend, everyone! Don’t forget that the book giveaway ends tonight at 8 PM EST!!